After Life


After Life is set at a way station between Heaven and Earth. There, guides have less than a week to help the newly dead sift through their memories for one defining moment to take with them to Heaven. After Life draws on the recollections of hundreds of elderly Japanese, some of whom join the cast of the film. Their stories reveal not only their personal pleasures and horrors, but also the broader history of postwar Japan. By portraying characters struggling to come to terms with the past, the film explores our attachment to life - bursting with pride and falsehood, pain, and pleasure - and, most importantly, to love.


ARATA, Erika Oda, Susumu Terajima, Takashi Naito, Kei Tani, Yusuke Iseya


19th Nantes Three Continents Festival, Golden Montgolfiere for Best Film
16th Torino International Festival of Young Cinema, Best Script
1st Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema, Best Film and Best Screenplay


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